School Lunches & Menus
School Meals
We prepare all meals in our school kitchen providing a choice of main courses and desserts each day. Menus are available to view below and the menu for each Friday is uploaded to the website and put up in the school entrances one week in advance.
Where necessary payment for school lunches should be made at the beginning of the week. We are moving towards a cashless office and operate the ParentPay system so that parents can pay for meals directly. This method removes the need for children to bring money into school themselves. We do not need you to indicate on the ParentPay system which days your child will be taking a lunch. For more information please ask at the school office.
The cost of a school lunch for children in Key Stage 2 is £2.50 per child per day (£12.50 per week). All payments for lunches should be made in advance via ParentPay. There is no need to book in advance but do please ensure that, if your child is in KS2, you have topped up your ParentPay account to cover the cost of any meals requested. The cost for meals up to the October half term is £82.50.
Universal Infant School Meals
Children in Foundation and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a school meal funded directly from central government. You obviously still have the choice to send your child to school with a packed lunch if this is your preferred option.
Free School Meals
You may be asked to complete a Free School Meal application form, even if your child is in Foundation or Key Stage 1, on starting school or if your circumstances change. Free School Meals (FSM) and Universal Infant School Meals (UISM) are not the same thing. The number of children in school who receive FSM affects the amount of Pupil Premium funding paid to school whereas UISM money is paid purely to cover the cost of meals taken by children on a given day. If you think you may qualify for FSM and have not recently completed a form please contact the school office or follow the link below to complete an online application.